July 2017
Date | Title |
7/14/17 | Two Davidson Amendments Included in House-Passed Bill to Rebuild Military and Support Troops |
June 2017
May 2017
Date | Title |
5/25/17 | Davidson Statement on Updated CBO Score for AHCA |
Date | Title |
7/14/17 | Two Davidson Amendments Included in House-Passed Bill to Rebuild Military and Support Troops |
Date | Title |
5/25/17 | Davidson Statement on Updated CBO Score for AHCA |
4879 Mercedes Drive
Suite A
Liberty Township, OH 45011
Phone: (513) 779-5400
(937) 339-1524
5520 Harrison Avenue, Suite C
Cincinnati, OH 45248
*Entrance in rear of building*
Phone: (513) 779-5400
2113 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6205