Davidson Remembers 9/11 Victims

September 11, 2019

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WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Warren Davidson remembered the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the House floor. A transcript of Davidson's remarks follows.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Never forget! In 2001—on 9/11—2,977 peaceful people were murdered by 19 jihadi terrorists, who were recruited by, plotted with, and were directed by Al Qaeda to commit evil acts of war against the United States of America.

America is the greatest nation to ever exist. We must never waiver in our resolve to defend our way of life. As the world tragically learned on 9/11, terrorists should never be ignored or given sanctuary to plan, prepare, or launch their evil acts. 

As Scripture says, "There is a time for war." Following 9/11 was such a time. Sadly, America’s focus has long since expanded from finding and eliminating terrorists and those who give them sanctuary. 

Great nations don’t fight endless wars. If we are to truly Make America Great Again, we must be laser-focused. America does not negotiate with terrorists, or with those who give them sanctuary. There is no substitute for victory!"