WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Warren Davidson took to the House floor to welcome Ohioans from the Eighth District traveling to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life which is tomorrow, January 19. He also applauded the introduction of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, H.R. 4712 which is expected to be voted on and pass the House tomorrow. Congressman Davidson is an original co-sponsor of this bill.
"I rise today to express my excitement that this body has taken a strong pro-life stance and likewise that this country is becoming increasingly more pro-life.
"This is not surprising since it’s a view that is plainly obvious: that we are not talking about a clump of cells, but a baby human. Advances in science and in medicine make this all the more clear.
"In addition to our votes this week to save babies with the necessary medical care when they are born alive following an abortion, tomorrow my office will also be welcoming and hosting pro-life leaders and friends from Ohio’s 8th District travelling to Washington D.C. to participate in this year’s March for Life.
"I am proud to participate tomorrow in the March, where we seek to get out the message that Love Saves Lives. Since Roe v. Wade, 60 million babies, with all of their potential, have had their lives tragically cut short.
"I look forward to the day when love finally puts an end to abortion."
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, H.R. 4712, would provide for criminal penalties for medical personnel who violate the Born-Alive Infants Protections Act of 2002, by making it a federal crime to fail to provide standard medical care to children born alive during an abortion. It would also apply stronger penalties in cases where an overt act is taken to kill an abortion survivor. This legislation also provides for a civil right of action for mothers of children who survive an abortion to hold the abortion provider accountable.