WASHINGTON, D.C.— Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) introduced the "No Unconstitutional Security Guarantees to Ukraine" resolution today. This legislation, initially introduced in the Senate by Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY), expresses that the United States should not enter into any bilateral or multilateral agreement to provide security guarantees or long-term security assistance to Ukraine. 

"President Biden's latest actions are a clear and deliberate attempt to obstruct accountability to the American people for his escalation of a foreign conflict. This dangerous agreement between Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky puts American lives, national security, and sovereignty at risk," said Rep Davidson (R-OH). "President Biden and his globalist allies may be interested in escalating this war and giving up U.S. sovereignty to NATO, but the American people are not."

"The Biden administration's decision to sidestep the Constitution and the Senate's role in treaty ratification is unacceptable," said Senator Lee. "This agreement not only circumvents the Constitution but also ties the hands of future administrations. Such significant commitments must be subject to thorough scrutiny by the Senate.”

"President Biden's bilateral security agreement with Ukraine commits America to yet another endless war. This deal risks entrapping future administrations to a prolonged military engagement without a clear exit strategy or sufficient burden-sharing from our European allies. We must prioritize American interests and avoid endless foreign entanglements," said Dr. Rand Paul.