Cincinnati, Ohio – In case you missed it, the Brian Thomas Morning Show in Cincinnati spoke with Representative Davidson concerning his viewpoints on President Donald Trump’s recent executive order on health care, the National Flood Insurance Program, and legislation Davidson introduced the Market Data Protection Act.  

Listen to the interview here.

The following is an excerpt from the interview which aired Tuesday, October 17, 2017.

 Warren Davidson on the Market Data Protection Act.

“...People are paying a lot of attention to the Equifax data breach. Especially after we found that a database called EDGAR at the Security Exchange Commission was breached. This database [records] every trade made. Not only was it breached, but it wasn’t disclosed publically, as required, and it wasn’t disclosed to [SEC Commissioner] Jay Clayton when he took over as director of the SEC. He only found it because he asked for a review… Now, [the SEC] is about to launch a new database, the Consolidated Audit Trail, which will have personally identifiable information such as tax ID numbers and social security numbers. Ahead of launching this new database and in light of the data breach at the SEC, we said “hey let’s just get our own House and order the SEC and put controls in place that the GAO highlighted as weaknesses.” This bill passed 59 to 1 at a committee and there should be a vote on it pretty soon in the House and hopefully the Senate could take action on it soon too...”