WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the House of Representatives passed the Meat and Poultry Special Investigator Act (H.R.7606).

After voting against this bill, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) made the following statement:

“Inflation is a policy choice, and Democrats are responsible,” said Rep. Davidson.

“Once again, Democrats have neglected to take serious action to increase American production. Instead, they have continued to push for expanded government and increased spending. This bill would add more harmful regulatory burdens to meat packagers, increase costs for producers, and ultimately drive prices even higher.

“The already sky-rocketing costs of groceries and gas are crippling American families. Rather than pass this costly and misguided bill, Congress should address the actual issues leading to higher food and fuel costs and deliver real relief to our farmers who desperately need it.
“The recipe is simple: more freedom, less government, and Sound Money.”
